Tree Replenishment Program
Peachtree Arborists is the region’s only professional tree removal service that replants a tree for every tree removed.
How the Tree Replanting Program Works
After Peachtree Arborists removes a tree from their property, a replacement tree is automatically donated for planting in a public neighborhood space by the program, or clients can choose to upgrade and have a larger tree replanted back on their property.

Peachtree Arborists Removes A Tree
Every time Peachtree Arborists is contracted to remove a tree, a portion of the fees is donated to the Tree Replenishment Program.

Trees Atlanta Organizes A Neighborhood Planting
Locations, quantities and desired species are organized into a plan of action across several planting windows throughout the year.

Peachtree Arborists and Trees Atlanta Plant The Trees
Peachtree Arborists and Trees Atlanta work together to get the replacement trees in the ground correctly, and continue to monitor their progress.

Clearion Updates The Map & Peachtree Emails Clients
Clearion updates the live map based, and Peachtree Arborists emails individual clients to share specify replacement tree locations.
Live Map Of Replanted Trees
This satellite map tracks the details about the size, location, and species of each newly replanted in the Tree Replenishment Program.
Each of the trees shown is a designated replacement tree for a tree previously removed at a client residence or business by Peachtree Arborists.
Current Number of Trees Planted: 291
Peachtree Arborists Partners with the Arbor Day Foundation and Trees Atlanta To Create First-of-its-Kind Tree Replenishing Program
New Program Allows Property Owners and Managers who Purchase Tree Removal Services to Designate Locations for Tree Replanting
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it cost extra to be part of this program?
No. Peachtree Arborists aims to be a zero footprint company. Since we are in the business of tree removals, we believe it is our ethical duty to replace each tree we were hired to remove. The cost of a replacement tree is factored into our standard removal services, so there is no additional cost to participate.
How do I know what replacement tree is mine?
The live map on this page provides the location(s) and other brief details about each tree replanted through the program. Each participating client will receive an email specifying their replacement tree location(s) after the trees are planted. No client details appear on the map. The plantings occur during the autumn-to-late winter planting season, so the email with location details is also shared during planting season.
Can I get the restorative tree planted on my property?
In forestry, the term restorative trees is usually reserved for the use of reforestation. So trees planted at your home would technically never be what we call restorative. For us, our restorative trees are only the ones that Trees Atlanta designates the location for placement in a municipal planting area. That said, we do have an exclusive pricing available for homeowners to purchase the planting of larger restorative trees on their property with a warranty from Trees Atlanta. Please email us at for more details.
I just took down a tree, can I get a restorative tree through your program?
As part of this program, we have worked out an exclusive pricing structure with Trees Atlanta for our clients clients to purchase the planting of larger trees on their property with a warranty. Please email us at for more details.
Giving Thanks To Our Partners

Trees Atlanta
Works throughout the year to create a rotation of neighborhood planting locations.